
DeLorean Time Machine for CryEngine 3 (Work in Progress)

I started to work on DeLorean again, this time it's for CryEngine 3 Free SDK.
For details please visit forum topic and project page.

I remodeled the car with more detail and high res textures. Car is ready, I'm working on time machine parts right now. Here are screenshots:

Old DeLorean (2009) and new DeLorean (2013)



New DeLorean has opening trunk and doors:


Unknown said...

One of the most well-done and accurate mods I've ever had the fortune of using. Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

is there an estimated time for it to be finished cause i want to use it on my cryengine free sdk. please try and write back if you can. thankyou and great mod :)

Tirido said...

Unfortunately no. I'm working on time machine parts right now.

Anonymous said...

i hope it will be done soon thanks for writing back

m4x1m0 said...

I'm waiting for it so much time!!!

Good Job!!!

Anonymous said...

will it be done by christmas ?

Tirido said...

No, sorry. There is no particular release date.